Things I Could Have Done…

…Instead of running 20 miles…

During my long 20 mile run this past weekend, I spent a little bit of time just giving myself a big old pat on the back. I mean, really, I spent several hours just running. There are so many things I could have been doing OTHER than running! You know how crazy it is to just run for hours on end? It’s outrageous + awesome + dedicated + motivated + crazy + strong + empowering.

My point is, running takes up so much of my time and I never really think about how much time I give to it ever since I picked it up as a hobby of mine. I could have spent those few hours doing so many other things, but I choose to spend that time running. I choose to challenge myself, pace myself and race myself. I don’t always feel amazing after all my runs and I’m not shy about admitting sometimes runs just downright SUCK. But this run – these 20 miles, they were anything but sucky.

To get ready for this past weekend’s LONG 20 mile run, I ate a hefty amount of food on Friday!


Pho & Jason’s Deli salad bar!


I packed up a ton of fuel and my CamelBak. I can’t begin to explain how crucial fueling properly has become. I never really understood the importance of it until this marathon training. The last time I ran one, I really didn’t focus on it and I can 893743984932% say now that fueling is IMPERATIVE to a successful run, both mentally and physically.


After Sara had such success with the Shot BLOKS, I gave them a try! I am definitely a fan! And I also really appreciate some real, solid food during long runs and these waffles satisfy that craving! I never would have even known about them had it not been for LESLEE’S awesome giveaway! 🙂 They always do the trick for me.

And my run? Well it was DAMN AMAZING. I couldn’t believe how well it went and how amazing I felt afterward. I wasn’t defeated, exhausted, tired, discouraged or in pain. I just felt damn proud. I would like to note, though, that I had a rough beginning with this run. I won’t detail why, but this run did not start off with sparkles and flowers and rainbows like it sounds. 🙂 It only ended that way!



And I was enveloped totally in nature. I was so happy with this run – there is no better feeling than a GREAT long run before a marathon. I felt on top of the world. It’s hard to start off slowly and remember to pace myself, but I did a phenomenal job at it this time. I knew I had to do 20 miles to run and I knew I needed to take it easy. I ended up at about a 10 minute pace and that is more than perfect for me!

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Seattle Marathon, I’m coming for you! WATCH OUT!

In other news, I celebrated the rest of the day on Saturday with beer via a tailgating party and after that, a birthday party!



You don’t have to judge. 🙂


And got my nails did, because, of course.


Sometimes I wish I could stop picking at my nails… (I got the grey polish). Oh well, I could have worse habits. 🙂 Have a fantastic Monday all you lovely people!!

What did you guys do this weekend?

Have you ever traveled for a race?

What kind of thoughts do you have when you’re working out? It varies for me – I really am all over the place depending on my workout. If I’m in a class at the gym, I’m totally focused on my form and if I’m doing something correctly. If I’m running, I get to think about TONS of things!


Eat and Run!

Well that about sums up my weekend – so no need to elaborate!

All I did was eat like crazy and run like crazy! But for you guys, I think I just might elaborate. 🙂

Friday began with a HOT, HOT, HOT run. Like, ouch. It was definitely not one of my favorite runs but I was happy to knock it out nonetheless.


Even the pup had some choice feelings for that run…


Ain’t nobody got time for that is the attitude I received from him.

Later that night, we celebrated a friend’s birthday over some amazing Chinese food. No one was shy about ordering – there were leftovers for days!


Saturday began with a 5K with the boyfriend and his family. When I sign up for 5K’s, I acknowledge that they are going toward a cause, but this 5K in particular was a cause that I was happy to contribute to. 🙂 It’s definitely a 5K that means the most to my boyfriend. The course was super hilly but it was a great way to start the day (before the monsoons came through Atlanta – what the heck?!).


I was planning on doing my long run afterward, but it was just too rainy. I can handle some light rain, but starting my run in a storm is definitely not something I’ll ever do. Instead, surprise, I ATE! 🙂

I made some yummy Paleo pancakes and I didn’t follow a recipe but I used very ripe bananas, coconut flour, eggs and cinnamon. They turned out tasting like banana bread and I will certainly make them again in the future!


Oh yes, PS, they aren’t very pretty. Next time I’ll work on that. Nope, wait, no, I won’t. It’s a miracle the house is still intact after I cooked so we’ll leave it at that.

And yesterday I set out to knock out my long run per my loose training plan. It was a gorgeous day and I’m so glad I didn’t try to do it in the nasty rain. Yesterday’s weather was running perfection.


I don’t normally take my talents into Mother Nature, but I thought with the weather as beautiful as it was – it’d be a shame otherwise. 🙂


Though my Garmin was being feisty at first, everything ended up just fine and we made it a full 15 miles together. I stupidly chose a hilly route for 6 of the 15 miles and paid severely for that choice at the end of my run but otherwise, I felt great! I’m looking forward to this mileage thing increasing as training picks up. I was surprised at my pace because of said hills and was super proud of what I finished with!


I followed that run with a trip to Sweet Tomatoes, a buffet restaurant (which was not wise) and ate my weight in salad and bread! It was amazing in the worst way possible! 🙂 #YOLOOOOO!!!

What a great weekend! 🙂

What’d you do this weekend?

Do you like Chinese food as much as my friends and I do? I love noodles and veggies (of any cuisine) so Chinese food is right up my alley. 🙂

Have you run a race because of what the cause was? This was my first time! It was definitely more than inspiring.


Happy, Active and, what, NATURE?!

What. A. Weekend.

I started Friday night off with a 2100 yard swim while the other crEATure got her muscle workout on in the weights area. And then there was this afterward:


My love for salmon knows no end – basil pesto butter atop a perfect filet of that delicious fish.

Saturday was a ridiculous day of activity for me – way out of the ordinary but WAY fun. I got up at the ass crack of dawn to meet a friend for a 20 mile bike ride. I don’t know about any of you – but fall is definitely in the air, right? Well, it was 57 degrees on this bike ride. My hands and feet were NUMB when I finished. Omg. The sun wasn’t even up when we started!


And then I ran a solid 10 miles. It was VERY hard – I’ve never tried to do one after the other and I don’t know how you guys do triathlons! I think that as the temperatures cool, so does my pace. I felt great out there and had I not biked first, I feel like I could have gone a bit longer.


And after incessant rolling and stretching, I cleaned up and straight up took a two hour nap. That’s probably not healthy. Oh well.

I made my way to Goodwill to do some fall/winter work shopping with my fellow crEATure when I got my lazy self out of bed! Out of all these clothes, we managed to only spend less than $40 each! Score. Goodwill = the best.


And the evening ended with a lovely dinner with my favorite folks over my favorite food!



Sunday ended up being a gorgeous day so the wonderful man friend and I went on a hike! It ended up being 5 miles round trip and it was absolutely beautiful. I should note that once you get to the top, there’s a beautiful house on top with gorgeous scenery and views rightfully named House o’ Dreams. Photo dump ahead:





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Hiking munchies essentials right there! And that takes me to my next rant – we had pistachios, almonds, grapes and sparkling flavored water, yum. But, the grapes we had? Well we tried two kinds this weekend….

Exhibit A: Witch Fingers



Exhibit B: Cotton Candy


Very odd, grape industry, very odd. Both varieties were delicious, but strange. 🙂

And this about sums up my incredible weekend! Any questions, my beautiful people?

Are you a tri-athlete? How is the transition from biking to running for you?

Salmon – yay or nay? If nay, what’s you protein of choice?

Have you had these new grape varieties yet? If you have extra grocery money, try them.. But at $3.99/lb I will not buy them again. I’ll stick the usual suspects at $1.99/lb. 🙂


Cloud 9 x 1 Million

I had the best weekend ever!! It started on Friday morning with the most amazing cycling class – the instructor was the best I’ve ever had! Then, Rebekah planned a surprise for her boyfriend man to celebrate a special occasion at an eclectic restaurant/show extravaganza called Medieval Times. The women introduced themselves as wenches and the men as servants. We were referred to as lords and ladies – I felt so special! 🙂


The castle!




And then there were horses and jousting and some serious fighting over the princess of the kingdom!



The dinner was served without utensils, so that was definitely interesting. Luckily soup isn’t so hard so slurp!


Everything was so cute and it was a great way to nerd out! I felt like I was living inside of Game of Thrones (please come back on TV ASAP!!)!!

Saturday morning the gang and I ran a 5K that Sara at Fit.Fun.Femme helped coordinate as a volunteer and it was adorable! It was a race for humans + dogs so of course, the Senator was as happy as could be!




Hey beautiful face Jacque – such a trooper! 🙂 The race was awesome, hilly as it was, and the post race breakfast hit the spot. Is it just me or does running a race validate a delightfully sinful breakfast?

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Later on, for dinner, my boyfriend and I grilled out some zucchini patties and made some sweet potatoes! Sometimes, staying in for a home cooked meal on Saturday night is so much better than anything else, am I right???? 🙂 No? I’m the only one with no life? Ok, cool!


For the record, white sweet potatoes are SIGNIFICANTLY better than orange ones (yams). By farrrrrrrrrrrrr. I just discovered this and couldn’t be happier! I take that back, I would be happier if they didn’t cost $2.49/pound. Dumb, but worth it right now. 🙂

And finally, yesterday, I ended my weekend with my ladies getting my nails done…


…and completing an impromptu little mini triathlon by swimming 1.2 miles, running a 5K, and biking 7 miles. I was supposed to go for a long run but I overslept and it was too hot when I awoke. I did 10 + miles among three different sports… Something is better than nothing! 🙂 And here’s a fun new development – swimming + the LA Fitness class Rebekah and I have been taking are helping my muscles come out to play! I was pleasantly surprised when I flexed and this happened!


Yes to progress!

But, just like that, my amazing and fantastic weekend is over. Sad, but true. Luckily, we have Labor Day coming up and I’m going on vacation! Hurry up, Friday! 🙂

What’s your favorite way to nerd out? I like things like Medieval Times + Game of Thrones!

When you cook in, what’s your favorite thing to make?

Would you rather run 10 miles, swim 3 miles, or bike 30 miles? I am torn here…. 🙂
