Eat and Run!

Well that about sums up my weekend – so no need to elaborate!

All I did was eat like crazy and run like crazy! But for you guys, I think I just might elaborate. 🙂

Friday began with a HOT, HOT, HOT run. Like, ouch. It was definitely not one of my favorite runs but I was happy to knock it out nonetheless.


Even the pup had some choice feelings for that run…


Ain’t nobody got time for that is the attitude I received from him.

Later that night, we celebrated a friend’s birthday over some amazing Chinese food. No one was shy about ordering – there were leftovers for days!


Saturday began with a 5K with the boyfriend and his family. When I sign up for 5K’s, I acknowledge that they are going toward a cause, but this 5K in particular was a cause that I was happy to contribute to. 🙂 It’s definitely a 5K that means the most to my boyfriend. The course was super hilly but it was a great way to start the day (before the monsoons came through Atlanta – what the heck?!).


I was planning on doing my long run afterward, but it was just too rainy. I can handle some light rain, but starting my run in a storm is definitely not something I’ll ever do. Instead, surprise, I ATE! 🙂

I made some yummy Paleo pancakes and I didn’t follow a recipe but I used very ripe bananas, coconut flour, eggs and cinnamon. They turned out tasting like banana bread and I will certainly make them again in the future!


Oh yes, PS, they aren’t very pretty. Next time I’ll work on that. Nope, wait, no, I won’t. It’s a miracle the house is still intact after I cooked so we’ll leave it at that.

And yesterday I set out to knock out my long run per my loose training plan. It was a gorgeous day and I’m so glad I didn’t try to do it in the nasty rain. Yesterday’s weather was running perfection.


I don’t normally take my talents into Mother Nature, but I thought with the weather as beautiful as it was – it’d be a shame otherwise. 🙂


Though my Garmin was being feisty at first, everything ended up just fine and we made it a full 15 miles together. I stupidly chose a hilly route for 6 of the 15 miles and paid severely for that choice at the end of my run but otherwise, I felt great! I’m looking forward to this mileage thing increasing as training picks up. I was surprised at my pace because of said hills and was super proud of what I finished with!


I followed that run with a trip to Sweet Tomatoes, a buffet restaurant (which was not wise) and ate my weight in salad and bread! It was amazing in the worst way possible! 🙂 #YOLOOOOO!!!

What a great weekend! 🙂

What’d you do this weekend?

Do you like Chinese food as much as my friends and I do? I love noodles and veggies (of any cuisine) so Chinese food is right up my alley. 🙂

Have you run a race because of what the cause was? This was my first time! It was definitely more than inspiring.


WLC and What I’m Eating

So, we’re almost at the end of week 2 of the Whole Life Challenge. So far, it’s going swimmingly. For the past 10 days, I’ve eaten strict Paleo, no sweeteners (except a little Stevia), and no artificial ingredients of any kind. I feel great and can already see my hard work paying off, which is great because it provides me with that much more motivation to keep at it.

As I’m sure you all can tell, I never take pictures of my workouts anymore. I’m at the gym every day – usually lifting weights – but the combination of trying to get my workout in without distractions and not trying to draw any attention to myself has me failing in the picture department. Sorry. Kinda. I mean, attempting to do a squat and holding it, while reaching down to grab my phone and snap a quick pic isn’t the easiest thing to do. Sounds like a good way to get hurt.

Reminds me of this:


Hahahahahaha, people are stupid.

Anyway, I’ll probably take progress photos at some point. That is, if I feel like I have progress to show.

Here’s some stuff I’ve been eating (I didn’t edit any of these, so I’m sorry for the shit quality – I promise it’s no reflection on how I feel about you).

I’ve been attempting to prep my food for the week.








Random shit from my fridge.




My food is really simple and really boring lately. But it’s yummy and healthy. It’s like that guy who isn’t all that cute but you keep him around because he has a great personality.



PANCAKES!!! (I added strawberries. Solid call.)




Avocado egg cups. Too legit <—that word always cracks me up.



Organic Pink Lady apple (Meredith, I thought about you when I ate this – is that weird??) Eat your entire apple, children! You’ll grow up big and strong, and you won’t be a wasteful little brat either 🙂


Ok so now that the previous boring-ass photo dump is over, you can all get back to your much more exciting lives that exist outside of this blog post.

In other news, I’m boring and have no life. I do nothing but go to work, watch Law and Order: SVU marathons, cook, and sit at Caribou Coffee reading Practical Paleo while I wait for everyone to leave the gym so by the time I get there I won’t have elbow my way through a sea of roided out man tank tops just to wait in line for a bench. Thanks but no thanks.

Obviously I wasn’t going to let you get back to your exciting lives before I left you with a super awesome run-on sentence about mine. I’m not selfish; it just seems like it.

What are you doing this weekend? Is it fun? Can I come?

I can’t believe it’s almost time for cold weather clothes again! That’s not a question.

– Rebekah

Bunny Wabbits

Warning: this post is extremely boring. Try not to hate it. Or me.

Super ambiguous sentence comin’ your way. This weekend wasn’t exactly the healthiest weekend, although it wasn’t exactly the unhealthiest either. Told ya.

Friday night we headed over to my boyfriend’s sister’s place to get some time in with his family. I ate a couple pieces of Little Caesar’s Pizza and a few bites of chocolate ice cream. It was a very Paleo-friendly meal. We picked up a few things at the store on the way home and decided to splurge and get some Annie’s Mac & Cheese. It was bunny-shaped 🙂 Everyone knows that bunny-shaped tastes better. Duh. I used coconut milk to mix the cheese in, and added some ground beef, bacon, and red bell pepper. Yummy.

bunny wabbits

Super healthy Friday night. I also felt bad for not working out, but seeing as it was my first day off in 10 days, I knew I needed to take a rest day.

Saturday morning I was going to make my delicious Paleo coconut flour pancakes. Sadly, I didn’t realize I was out of coconut milk until the morning of, so I altered the recipe a bit and made Greek yogurt coconut pancakes instead 🙂 They were pretty good, but not as good as the real deal, so there’s no use in posting the recipe.

yogurt pancakes

yogurt pancakes 2

And, in the lovely way that only Mollie can describe this, BAAAAACCCCOOOOONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!

After breakfast, we met up with my guy’s family at the mall for a little bit of back to school/ tax-free shopping. I don’t like shopping. I always find a reason NOT to buy anything. I’ll try on a million things (which is probably the most annoying part) and usually walk out of the store with nothing. So, I was kinda proud of myself when I ended up purchasing two pairs of shoes and 3 cami tank tops. I spent $34 total on the shoes and $5.40 on the tanks. I usually shop at good will, so the price point here was right up my alley.

new shoes

Also, I drive a Honda.

Oh, um, here’s something else I saw while shopping:


Of course I told Meghan immediately. We were both extremely tempted but managed to resist the urge. Regardless, their marketing strategy is on point. Random, enormous candy stand in the dead middle of a crowded mall = genius.

Saturday night, I concocted a basil turkey burger, threw it over some arugula, topped it with a fried over-medium egg, and paired it with some sweet potato fries. Nom nom.

basil turkey

sp fries

  • Basil Turkey Burger – 1/4 lb turkey, 1 tbsp fresh minced basil, 1/4 tsp garlic powder, 1/4 tsp black pepper, an itty bitty bit of goat cheese. Form into a patty and pan fry on medium heat in coconut oil for a few minutes on each side until thoroughly cooked.
  • Sweet Potato Fries – 3 sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2 inch thick pieces. Toss in olive or coconut oil, sea salt, and cinnamon. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for 40 minutes at 425 degrees.

We worked out Saturday night – chest, triceps, and abs. I didn’t take any pictures. You don’t care about my dumb workout pictures anyway. Win win.

Sunday we woke up and had mimosas, then I went to the pool and read for an hour. Then I came home, started feeling a-w-f-u-l, took a three hour nap due to a massive headache, and after feeling nauseous for another few hours, I threw up. Thrilling day, right? I can’t remember the last time I threw up from just being sick rather than being overly drunk or hung over. Apparently it was the mimosas. I’m sure the heat didn’t help, either. That’s never happened before. I hope it never happens again. It sucked.

Our half is this Saturday. I was supposed to run 8 miles on Sunday, but my body preferred to feel like a s**tbag instead, so I didn’t run. Not so sure how I’m going to do with this half. I guess I’m just gonna run uuuuuuber slow and deal. I’ll get through it, but there might be some walking to report in the recap afterward.

This post turned from bunnies to throw up way too quickly. Sorry.

I hope none of this ruins your lunch today.

Do you buy regular-shaped pasta or fun-shaped pasta?

What was the last thing you bought when you went shopping?

Do you get sick when you drink mimosas?

– Rebekah

Weekend Recap: Paleo Coconut Pancakes

Seriously, pancakes were the best part of my weekend. I keed, I keed. But seriously – Paleo pancakes, mmm yum yum.

My weekend started off by joining LA Fitness with my guy. I want to start getting in to more weight training, so this was a necessity. And we got a great deal, thanks to Meghan’s wonderful boyfriend 🙂

Laf collage

In accordance with my half marathon training schedule, I woke up on Saturday morning afternoon and got in a long(er) run of 6 miles. My pace was super slow (10 min/mile), as per the usual, although I’m blaming some of it on the extreme humidity that set in during the second half of my run. I’m not a fast bear like my co-blogger.


That’s me – after my run – really excited that I didn’t die.


Oh! Before I forget – here is an update on our challenge:

Boyfriend – 32/40

Girlfriend – 35/40

So, I’m up by 3 right now. Looks like my wings will be free on Friday. Winner winner, chicken dinner.


After my run, I was hungrier than…(all the comparisons I thought of are too distasteful for any of you to continue reading our blog, so to ensure that you don’t hate me this early on in our blog-ship and, mostly, for Meghan’s sake, insert your own :-))…so I made the most delicious Paleo pancakes I’ve ever come across. I found them on Paleo Spirit (click that link right now so you can start making these immediately – I don’t care if you’re at work, just do it!) and I haven’t closed out of the webpage on my iPad ever since.

CP collage

Meghan will usually try the Paleo crap I concoct, but doesn’t often come back for seconds. With these babies, it’s a different story. She LOVES them and she was none too pleased with me for making them when she was not home. Sorry, girl.

Here are some other happenings from the weekend.


Ate this: broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, bacon, and egg.


Judged Meghan.


Hung out with these beautiful ladies.


Made this face*.


Cooked with my boy – veggie and chicken stir fry.


Drank by the fire with the my co-blogger. Our boyfriends came, too 🙂


Got my nails done and broke one the next day.

mtn collage

Went to Ellijay, GA with family to see more family…and a bumble bee.

fam collage

Said family. There are 8 of us total, but the youngest two weren’t with us.


Also made this face*. Can you tell we’re sisters?


May or may not have participated in this shenanigan* as well.

*Leslee, these are all for you, girl. Happy belated birthday!

Speaking of those sort of pictures, my boyfriend thinks we’re weird because my whole family has always taken pictures like that. Of course we take serious pictures, but after the obligatory, boring ones are over, the photo shoot turns into that of the last picture above. I thought all families took pictures like this, but he doesn’t seem to think there are as many families who do this as I do. Apparently he and his sisters never did. Hmm.

Ok, I think that’s all I’ll bore you with for now, however, there is a mandatory survey to follow.

Here it is:

Do you and your family take funny photos like the ones I take with my family?

Does everyone participate?

Is it a standard part of the family photo-taking process?

Thanks in advance for helping me discover how much of a freak I am!

– Rebekah