Short Week, YAY

Did you guys enjoy yesterday’s post from my co blogger? Yes, I still have one of those. 🙂 She’s the very best and though I joke, I’m so happy she’s back to her normal routine.

And speaking of routine, I had my normal one last night – visiting my friends in high places and working out.


We completed a cross fit style workout (my man’s favorite kind of workout!) and it looked like this:


I finished in a little under 14 minutes – and I think it’s because I used the smallest ‘box’ possible, while my two workout buddies used the larger sizes.


I’m not big on box jumps but they surely do the trick. I only get them when I visit my friend’s gym in her complex so I make sure to take full advantage. 🙂

Since I didn’t feel like 14 minutes was enough of a workout, I got in some mileage on the elliptical and treadmill and also added in some bicep curls (100!!). I’m trying to tone up my arms, I think. Also my abs? I planked for longer than I ever have before last night – 2:32! Woo!! 🙂

Seeing as how it’s a holiday tomorrow, (HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, AMERICA!!!!) I’d like to wish all of you a lovely day off, or not, if you’re working! I hope you get to see some fireworks (don’t worry, I had plenty of years spent in college working and missing fireworks) or enjoy the holiday in some form or fashion. I’m running the Peachtree Road Race 10K with some friends, my boyfriend, and the gorgeous Sara at Fit.Fun.Femme. It’s a mellow race, so I don’t intend on pushing myself. In fact, my goal is quite the opposite. 🙂

So Happy 4th of July to everyone and enjoy this extended holiday. I will not resume blogging til Monday but I’m sure I’ll be drunkenly posting pictures to my Instagram all weekend long. Enjoy!

What are you doing this weekend?

How are you celebrating the 4th? Do you celebrate the 4th?

Fireworks – yay or nay? I enjoy them, but I don’t enjoy how my dog reacts to them. 🙂


Circuit Time

I’ve decided to focus on some strength and speed this week, rather than distance, because I have some distance training coming up that will probably consume me for the rest of the year (a half and a full on the calendar, only one is official, can you guess which one?). So, before I get started on all that, I’m going to enjoy sprinting and strengthening. Last night, the beautiful Mollie Hannah came over so we could hit the gym. That we did my friends, that we did.

She rocked out some treadmill stuff and I did too for a quick mile (intervals, from 7.0 to 10.0) and got started on this circuit. The plan was to go through it several times, but, um, it was too hard for that. Haha.

Cardio Countdown

The burpees man, they kill me every single time. After that, I did some more on the treadmill before joining Mollie in completing another circuit. Circuits are new to her, but you’d never know because she still completes them like they’re old news. This was probably her fourth or fifth time doing one and I did not make it easy for her. I’m actually sore this morning too!!

Mollie Circuit

Good grief, I now see why I’m so sore! We had a lot of fun though, and it’s always great to kick off the week with some sweat and burn!

Then we hit up Jason’s Deli (we have gone there every Monday for the past couple of months) and I was feeling incredibly boring with my meal. I put zero nutrients into my dinner and guess what? Fakeblondehairdon’tcare.

Yep. Just some good old fashioned plain lettuce, cheese, oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. I threw in some pasta and bread because I wanted some carby goodness.


And, couldn’t forget the most hyped item from the salad bar (according to us):


Big victory points to anyone who knows what the heck that stuff is!!! We haven’t a clue – aside from the intense love we have for it, we know nothing.

What’d you do to get active/healthy last night?

What’s your favorite go to place to go out to eat when you don’t want to indulge?

What’s your least favorite cardio move?


Getting Speedy

Um, I know this is how I started yesterday, but seriously, the weather. Total amore! I started my run with this view and these skies:


And ended with this view and these skies:


I really couldn’t be any happier with this ATL weather. ❤ ❤ Anyway, on to more important things – the run was a one way trip from my place to my friend’s place and that is always my favorite type of route. I wound up with some decent splits (though none of them were negative, sadly) and was pleased with how I finished.


And it didn’t hurt to end my run with this face, either:


Then we went to the gym to workout and I did a mini circuit but was still itching to run (who am I?!?!?!) and with a view like this on the treadmill, is anyone blaming me for sticking with it? A gym at the top of a high rise in downtown Atlanta? Where can I sign up!? Such motivation.


I did a mile for speed and it felt great. 🙂 So, I made my daily total 5 miles, WOO! Afterward, I went out with the man and some friends for a battle of the bands at an Irish pub, Ri Ra. The restaurant was fancy, so naturally, I showed up in workout clothes. I also kept things classy and was the only one who didn’t shower after working out; I was the smelly friend. Oh well.


My camera flash blinded Jeremy. Sorry, man.


The bands were wonderful and it was a wonderful way to spend a Tuesday night. I have the best friends and best man in the whole world!

What do you prefer, loop runs or one way runs?

Do you need to shower immediately after a workout?

Live and local music: love it or don’t care? I normally don’t care too much, but this was such a fun time! 🙂


Mollie and Meghan’s Magnificent and Magical Monday Night of Fun

That’s really giving ourselves too much credit. It should be more like, “Rain, rain, go away, come again another day!” The weather is horrible in Atlanta lately and it prevented us from going outside to run. Bummer. But, once again, I am glad we were both together to hold each other accountable and still get in a good workout.

I am convinced,  now, that interval treadmill workouts are the only way I can power through a treadmill workout. I forgot about the towel method you guys always talk about so until I put my brain back in my head, I have to find other things to combat treadmill boredom.

Treadmill Interval

I was dripping afterward but I loved the fact that I got in a 5K indoors – never something I typically enjoy. Then Mollie and I did a quick little circuit to add some excitement to our workout.

Mollie n Meghan workout

Also, I need a life and love Pic Monkey WAY too much.

We had tons of fun smashing this workout to the ground!


Check out how sweaty I was (my back, my hair, my neckline, etc. I don’t understand why I sweat so much more than almost anyone I workout with. Anyone have any insight?


And to celebrate seis de Mayo, we went out for some delicious Mexican (it’s Mollie and Meghan’s Magnificent and Magical and Mexican Night of Fun now!). Such a fun night with such a good workout. Those are just simply the best.

Why am I sweating so much? You needn’t be a doctor to respond.

What’d you do last night? Anything nearly as exciting as playing with Pic Monkey after a workout?

****Also, stay tuned tomorrow for a story about Mollie ^^ one of my best friends. It is pretty much the most inspiring thing ever and you won’t want to miss it!! ****
