Saturday Morning Pancakes

Weekends are what I live for (I don’t think I’m alone here). I have the best people in my life and I look forward to every moment with each person I spend time with. Friday my boyfriend man and I went on a double date with Mollie and her man! Sushi was the best decision ever, and I made sure to get a picture of my seaweed salad so my bloggy bestie, Leslee can see how much we really are twinsies! I can’t help but be super lame this morning, I apologize.


Sake bombs may have made it into our classy fun evening.


Me and my mannnnn!


Saturday morning I got adventurous and decided to wing it based on several recipes I had seen to make these pancakes. I dreamt about them all night on Friday so I just HAD to make some Saturday morning.


What happens when a Saturday morning breakfast is the highlight of your weekend?

You’re getting old.

1/2 cup almond flour
1/2 cup coconut flour
1 6 oz package of vanilla Greek yogurt
2 eggs
1/4 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
1 teaspoon cinnamon
2 bananas
whatever you want to top it with

I began by mashing the bananas up until they were smooth and then I just added everything else and mixed really well. I added more milk for consistency purposes, but I didn’t measure that. You guys can figure it out if you ever recreate this. I put some canola oil on the pan and let them cook away! They turned out SO GOOD. I never successfully make things this fancy in the kitchen and I was so pleased! UGH! Take me back to Saturday morning and these pancakes! I topped them with melted blackberry jam and some fresh blackberries. Heavenly.


Later on, I hit the gym. I had taken Wednesday and Friday off this week and didn’t want to take three days off so in spite of the awful storms and rainy weather, I dragged it to the gym.

I’d like to thank every blogger who talked about their races this weekend – you guys are the ONLY reason I went to the gym. I even saw the lovely Picky Runner had run 15 miles via her instagram (girl, so awesome!) so I had to do something. I am so glad I did – I knocked out a 5k and discovered a new favorite Pandora station: 80’s workout! Woooo! Billy Joel played a key role in a strong finish. We didn’t start the fireeeeeeee!


Later on, my boyfriend and I made a delightful dinner of Costco seasoned salmon and sautéed zucchini and squash. It hit the spot!


Yesterday was supposed to be just as rainy and gross as Saturday but when we woke up, it was surprisingly lovely and therefore a run was in store for the day! I’m feeling super positive about my run yesterday! Cinco for Cinco de Mayo! Wooooo!


I was in a good groove and so was The Senator! It felt great to get the run in before the day’s festivities so I didn’t have to feel guilty inhaling enjoying numerous margaritas and baskets of chips and salsa.

And finally, The Senator and I want to wish you a warm and wonderful Monday – no matter the weather outside (it’s super gloomy here in Atlanta, grey skies and all!).


He was being fairly adorable so I couldn’t resist sharing his cute face.

What was the highlight of your weekend? Mine was food involved, duh.

How were your races!? I’m so excited to hop on to the reader and find out how everyone did!!

What do you do to workout when it’s nasty outside?


28 thoughts on “Saturday Morning Pancakes

  1. Nice job getting to the gym!! You and your boyfriend are soo cute together! The highlight of my weekend was definitely the food, as well. ain’t nothin’ wrong with that 🙂 those protein pancakes look out of this world good. have a marvelous monday pretty lady!

  2. I will for sure have to try those pancakes, it is almost paleo approved!! Good job on your runs! What kind of seasoning did you put on the salmon, looks yummy!! I ran my 6th 1/2 marathon yesterday, went very good!!

    • ha, yes, i almost made them paleo for my man but then thought the greek yogurt was a necessity. but i’m sure it’s just as yummy without! 🙂 i know, you did a FANTASTIC job with that half!!!!!!! 🙂 YAY

  3. Mmm both the pancakes and the salmon look delicious!! I have been so hungry for pancakes or waffles and I love your idea of topping them with jam and blackberries!

  4. OMG those pancakes look so good, my mouth started watering! I ate good food and hung out with the boyfriend before he had to leave 🙂 Ugh I wish a race was involved, feels like forever since I’ve raced (even though it was only 5 months ago).

    • haha i did make them look pretty tasty, i must confess. aw sad your boyfriend had to leave! i know, i miss races so much. they need to come back to my life.

  5. With every post, I know that we are soulmates more and more. The Bek must think our blog love is getting super creepy haha! Oh well I don’t care. We were meant to be 🙂 So seaweed, it is the best thing ever right? It is, my twin, it totally is.

    Your hair all wavy looks adorable. Can you do that to my hair? Also, the pic of you and your guy… I think you guys have such similar smiles! Someone once told me that couples that look similar, stay together forever. If this is what you both want, than I’d say you are on your way there with those pearly whites.

    Your salmon is calling to me. As is your visit to Costco, love that place! If I am not mistaken you may have instagramed that dinner and I undoubtably “liked” it because it looks so fab.

    And when it’s gross outside I usually do an Insanity DVD (kill me) or head to the gross gym, made even grosser by people soaked with rain on their way in. Damp, sweaty gym clothes for the win!

    • Haha, I don’t even know where to begin!! Our blossoming bloggy love is the best and so far from creepy! Ha! She is in full support of our love! Girl, seaweed salad. I used to think it was nasty (because I hadn’t tried it). Once I did, that was the end of that fear! It’s so yummy!
      So sweet!!!!! On my fakecation to visit you I’ll do your hair like that for sure! 🙂 In return, you may share some yummy IPA’s and homemade nachos. Yes. The salmon was great, and Costco did the seasoning that looks so good so it was an effortless dinner! win! Insanity, huh? I’m jealous. I’ve always wanted to try them but never manned up and bought the DVD’s.

      • Haha! I mean, this isn’t a blog about how much Meghan can drink on the weekends! 🙂 (Which, by the way, used to be a lot more than it is now. Sign #20938920382 that I’m getting OLD.)

  6. Sushi dates and pancakes and runs?? Your weekend was full of my favorite things 😉 i have’t had legit sushi (like not from a grocery store) in ages…might be demanding a date night there soon 🙂

    • Haha too cute! I’m scared to try sushi a la a grocery store. Hmmm.. Yes, you’ve earned a sushi date night after your awesome half! ❤

  7. Man, I love starting my days off reading your guys’s posts! This weekend was nothing but gross, cold, and rainy outside – basically February weather. Only it’s MAY. Which is just blowing my mind in the absolute worst way, you know?

    Congrats on knocking out a run on a day when you absolutely didn’t want to run. I feel like we should always get bonus points for runs on those type of days! I’m also a huge fan of Costco salmon, so your post basically means Mark and I are going to need to pick some up to have. Like, tonight. Right away. 🙂

    • ❤ ❤ So much love for your love! Thank you for your sweet words!!! It totally was an awful weekend weather wise. I just don't get it, either. Hello, May? Yeah, we'd like our enjoyable weather back. K? Thanks. Dang. Haha, I had never had this salmon from them before and it was SO good. And totally effortless. I can't remember what it was called but it was with all the packaged food they do by their chicken salad. Let me know if you get it! 🙂 🙂

  8. Did you know I am afraid to click the thumbs down on pandora in fear that it will punish me with a string of bad songs? lol…I think I have the 80’s station too…some days it gives me a nice mix of music and some days I think Pandora likes to annoy me…as well as drain my battery.

    • HAHAHAH! That’s sooo funny! Pandora is super smart and sneaky! I totally have that fear too! I ran an entire marathon with pandora and my phone was still at 80%. Love my phone! 🙂

  9. I love sushi! I never had seaweed salad until recently and I was pleasantly surprised! My weekend definitely revolved around tasty eats and being an awesome spectator for my boyfriend. Oh and getting some serious sunburn on my shoulders, womp!

    • Ouch to the sunburn lady! Yikes! I’m sure that’ll be me in a few days. Girl, the idea of seaweed salad repulsed me and then much like you – pleasantly surprised! 🙂

  10. hehehe I guess I am ancient because the highlight of most of my weekends lately tends to be food related 🙂 Those pancakes look absolutely amazing! I think the highlight of my weekend would be brunch on Sunday…homemade museli with fresh raspberry syrup 🙂

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