It’s Marathon Week!!

Welp! This Saturday is it! My third marathon! I can’t wait!!! This week will be filled with nerves, excitement and mental preparation! I’ll be hydrating like crazy all week long and remaining on my best behavior! 🙂 WOO! CAN.NOT.WAIT! << I mostly can’t wait because I don’t love running in this heat that’s rapidly approaching and as soon as the marathon is over, I won’t need to run outside if I don’t want to! 🙂

So backing up a bit… This weekend was filled with lots of food and lots of activities, per the usual. Saturday morning at 5:30 am, I met up with a friend for a 10 mile run. It was POURING but we did it anyway! We saw tons of deer along the trail which was totally adorable.


This is one of my favorite places to run because it’s full of rolling hills and is so majestic.


Right after I finished that, I met up with Mollz and some others with my man for a 5K in downtown.



The reward at the end was a free beer! Yep! WOOOOO!


And by then, I was starved, so naturally, I loaded up!


After resting up and running errands, my boyfriend and I went out to celebrate a special occasion and we absolutely indulged in an awesome dinner!


Yesterday was spent with more indulgences – a la Easter style! There were delicious treats everywhere and this girl didn’t hold back #yolo



What do you do to prepare during race week?

Will you run in the rain?

What’s your favorite post race meal?

It’s a Mystery!

Woo hoo, another Monday, another day closer to kicking off the winter festivities! I’m so excited that Thanksgiving is this week! To prepare for a week of fun, I made sure my weekend was loaded with adorable and awesome activities! 🙂

Saturday morning I ran 10 miles with a friend in some of the most gorgeous fall (is it still fall?) scenery. It.Was.Amazing.




Because this is my first real year I consider myself a real runner, I invested in my first pair of running leggings. YES to everything about them times one million. It was so nice to not have any skin exposed. And afterward, I treated myself to a big red cup!


Though 10 miles is A LOT, I wasn’t really ready to retire for the day so I took the pup for a two mile loop. He did not appreciate the cold and windy weather at all… Poor guy.


So here’s where some serious fun started… Have you guys ever heard of murder mystery dinners? Well one of my adorable girlfriends hosted one on Saturday night and it was amazing! It was a beauty pageant theme – killing for the crown! And the night was nothing short of precious, hilarious, scandalous and SO MUCH FUN. We all dressed up like beauty queens, or what we thought beauty queens dressed up like… Ha. None of us really know.


Every lady was assigned a state (some had to play several states) and some were pageant judges. It was all very mysterious and scandalous! Oh, and all the food. I ate all of the food. 🙂





I just adore this picture of Mollie! 🙂









It was the cutest girl’s night I have ever had. It turns out that one of my two characters was the killer, so that was fun to try and hide from all my friends! I’m far from a good actress…

And to round out my fantastic weekend, I got my nails did! So fresh and so clean, just in time for Thanksgiving and my vacation on FRIDAY!!!!!!! 🙂 Mine are the purple, Mollie got the green, Erika got the silver glitter and our awesome nail guy insisted on contributing the picture this time too. Cute.


And then I got to my boyfriend’s house and helped him rake ALL.THE.LEAVES.


So now, here we are, the week of Thanksgiving. I may not stop back in here until after the marathon (THIS SUNDAY OMG) so if I don’t talk to you guys til next week, have a WONDERFUL and HAPPY Thanksgiving.

What’d you do this weekend?

Have you ever done a murder mystery dinner?

What is your favorite food?


Running Again!

And it felt so good! 🙂 Since I worked out nice and early on Friday morning at my conference, I thought it was necessary to treat myself that evening with some decadent fro yo!


That’s right Donna and Tom, that’s right.


How could I not with these flavors available? All bizarre and random, but all SO good.


Yes, well earned.

Saturday morning, I ran a 5K with my man and his friends. I was hoping to PR with this race but coming out of the gate way too quickly ended that goal. Plus, it was hillier than I could have imagined! I can’t catch a break with these 5K courses lately and the darn hills they have! Ugh, can’t I just run a flat 5K, PR, and be on my merry way? No, of course. not. T’was fun, nonetheless, and the race sign up guaranteed a beer as soon as we crossed the finish line. That was what sold us on the event.


We all sweat like crazy.


Cheers to a totally hard earned beer and a great way to kick off the weekend.

Afterward, my boyfriend and I went to his family’s house to celebrate Father’s Day. There was so much good food and I never pass on that kind of occasion. Plus, I can’t remember the last time I’ve had corn on the cob, it totally takes me back to childhood summer days. It was SO good and I need to not be so lazy and make it for myself.


Salmon, veggies and a salad were also devoured. 🙂

Yesterday, I awoke with an urge to run. I felt so great during the 5K and I wanted to continue that feeling. My legs were incredibly tight, however, from the run and it wasn’t one of my best runs. In fact, around the third mile, two dogs ran up and started chasing The Senator and me! It scared me, and it actually stopped traffic because the two dogs ran across a pretty busy street to chase us. They were sweet and harmless, but when I have loud music pumping me up to power me through a final mile, two dogs jumping around behind me are sure to startle me. If my heart rate hadn’t been up before, that did the trick!


It was incredibly hot and I thought I was going to pass out when I got home. That’s likely not a good sign, right? An ice pack was immediately applied to my neck.


Then we got to celebrate at my parent’s house yesterday! And I thought that my dog was spoiled until I saw this sight.


My parent’s dog eats at the dinner table too, y’all. Mom – I know you absolutely love this! 🙂 And there was no skimping in the dessert world, either. My mama is an amazing baker and she makes these with three ingredients: eggs, sugar and peanut butter. Plus, a mini Reeses Cup on top, naturally.


I did say at the beginning that I was going to treat myself, right?


Carrot cake a la Costco.


Ice cream cake a la Baskin n Robbins.


And, finally, white chocolate, raspberry and chocolate cake a la Costco.

If you didn’t want dessert before you started reading, I know you do now. My sincerest apologies. I can’t keep healthy all the time, right?

Did you race this weekend? How’d it go?

What’s your favorite dessert?

What’s one food item that takes you back to your childhood? Give me popsicles on a porch and I’m six years old all over again.


Working Woes

Here is why I am working out at 5 AM this week, all week!20130613_074119

So much food! But, actually, not bad! I put that peanut butter on the bread and YUMMMMY!


Those were ‘popovers’. Basically, they were hollow bread with cheese that tasted delightful. I was pleasantly surprised. 🙂


For all my seafood lovers out there, this may have been heaven. Ceviche, crab, lobster, shrimp and oysters. I had all of it except oysters. I can’t dig em. They are so yucky.

And for my main meal last night, I got the tuna, medium rare, of course. Delightful.


You better believe that I didn’t skimp on dessert, either. I mean, heck, if I’m going all out, I may as well, right?


That was some type of peanut butter, chocolate and banana goodness. T’was heavenly, thank you for asking (oh, you didn’t?)!!

This morning, I opted for another morning workout. What can I do when my co worker texts me telling me she’ll be there ready for abs and arms? Apparently my workout from yesterday killed her in a good way and she wanted more. Yipee! Success! Here’s what it looked like:

arms and abs

I left those last two things (all three planks) with unassigned times because I’m trying to step my game up. I landed right at one minute for each plank. 🙂 I can safely also say that I am not anywhere near legit when it comes to arm strength. The beautiful Sharsti @ Blonde Hair Blue Eyed Runner has been doing a lot of arm workouts lately so I was super motivated to join in on the fun. I suck at it, but here’s to progress!


And let’s put our hands in the air and wave ‘em like we just don’t care – it’s FRIDAY, Friday, Friday!

What’s your favorite fancy seafood?

Favorite part of your bod to work out? I like leg stuff and cardio stuff the best.

What are you doing this weekend? I have a 5K tomorrow and some family stuff planned for Father’s Day.

Enjoy your weekend!
