Running Again!

And it felt so good! 🙂 Since I worked out nice and early on Friday morning at my conference, I thought it was necessary to treat myself that evening with some decadent fro yo!


That’s right Donna and Tom, that’s right.


How could I not with these flavors available? All bizarre and random, but all SO good.


Yes, well earned.

Saturday morning, I ran a 5K with my man and his friends. I was hoping to PR with this race but coming out of the gate way too quickly ended that goal. Plus, it was hillier than I could have imagined! I can’t catch a break with these 5K courses lately and the darn hills they have! Ugh, can’t I just run a flat 5K, PR, and be on my merry way? No, of course. not. T’was fun, nonetheless, and the race sign up guaranteed a beer as soon as we crossed the finish line. That was what sold us on the event.


We all sweat like crazy.


Cheers to a totally hard earned beer and a great way to kick off the weekend.

Afterward, my boyfriend and I went to his family’s house to celebrate Father’s Day. There was so much good food and I never pass on that kind of occasion. Plus, I can’t remember the last time I’ve had corn on the cob, it totally takes me back to childhood summer days. It was SO good and I need to not be so lazy and make it for myself.


Salmon, veggies and a salad were also devoured. 🙂

Yesterday, I awoke with an urge to run. I felt so great during the 5K and I wanted to continue that feeling. My legs were incredibly tight, however, from the run and it wasn’t one of my best runs. In fact, around the third mile, two dogs ran up and started chasing The Senator and me! It scared me, and it actually stopped traffic because the two dogs ran across a pretty busy street to chase us. They were sweet and harmless, but when I have loud music pumping me up to power me through a final mile, two dogs jumping around behind me are sure to startle me. If my heart rate hadn’t been up before, that did the trick!


It was incredibly hot and I thought I was going to pass out when I got home. That’s likely not a good sign, right? An ice pack was immediately applied to my neck.


Then we got to celebrate at my parent’s house yesterday! And I thought that my dog was spoiled until I saw this sight.


My parent’s dog eats at the dinner table too, y’all. Mom – I know you absolutely love this! 🙂 And there was no skimping in the dessert world, either. My mama is an amazing baker and she makes these with three ingredients: eggs, sugar and peanut butter. Plus, a mini Reeses Cup on top, naturally.


I did say at the beginning that I was going to treat myself, right?


Carrot cake a la Costco.


Ice cream cake a la Baskin n Robbins.


And, finally, white chocolate, raspberry and chocolate cake a la Costco.

If you didn’t want dessert before you started reading, I know you do now. My sincerest apologies. I can’t keep healthy all the time, right?

Did you race this weekend? How’d it go?

What’s your favorite dessert?

What’s one food item that takes you back to your childhood? Give me popsicles on a porch and I’m six years old all over again.


28 thoughts on “Running Again!

  1. nope absolutely did not race…but I did plenty of treating myself and my stomach is paying for it today :/ I want to eat my computer looking at all of those desserts!! And I wantto run races with you bc I want the beer you always have at the end!!!

  2. Yay!!!! I’m so happy that you’re running pain free again 😀 that’s awesome!! I like your reasoning on signing up for this 5K too…def why i would do something similar 😉 all of those desserts look amazing…you definitely sparked my sweet tooth this morning hahaha…my mum got my dad an ice cream cake for dessert yesterday and it was delicious…hadn’t had a piece of that in years so i was a happy girl 🙂

  3. Yay you’re back to running!! Glad your achilles is feeling better. Beer is so motivating-Looks like a fun race! and this post should really come with a “warning” label for all the delicious desserts the reader will be craving by the end. carrot cake is my jam. i love it so much. have a great monday!!

  4. I ALWAYS want dessert. Always. Nice job on the race! Not every one can be a PR but every one is a learning experience. I’d say it was a success especially after not running for a bit. Here’s to resting so every run feels good 🙂

  5. I think I said this 15 5K’s ago but I love how many 5K’s you run. Go gurl. Hooray for beer! Glad you be feeling better. Like Sarah I am always in zee mood for dessert although now I’m annoyed thinking about how long it has been since I had carrot cake!! Yummm!!

  6. I’m still resting a nagging shin so no running/racing this weekend. Those desserts look so good. I think I need cake for lunch now 😉

  7. Gotta love a race that guarantees a beer at the end! Also, I LOVE carrot cake, but almost never eat it! Maybe I will try to make some sort of muffin version 🙂

  8. Cakes galore! I am so happy that someone else has the same sweet apetite as me! Sounds like a fab weekend and congrats on having such a great attitude about the race.. you did it, that’s all that matters! Happy MIMM, Meghan!

  9. You run so many races! I wish I had the motivation to do that. Props to you, girl! And all those treats look so delicious.. you totally deserve them!

  10. I didn’t race this weekend, but I’m kind of glad I didn’t because it was raining and miserable. Still, I’m sure you rocked your 5k even without a PR. And I’m happy to see you running again! The first run back after an injury/nagging pain is always such a treat.

  11. BEST GIF EVER. Treat yo’ self!! I say that to other people and to myself entirely too much. My entire existence is me treatin’ myself lol Was that episode of P&R not the best ever? Love that Ben ends up buying a Batman suit. I died. Also love that you and all your guy’s friend “sweat like crazy.” Me too, girl, me too. And I would have been absolutely petrified if dogs started chasing me. Mortified, terrified, stupefied. Legitimately. I love dogs, but if they start going for my ankles I am out!!! And can your mama get mom of the year award on Father’s day? I think she can. Soooo many desserts! Do you have a lot of siblings? Or was it just you and your parents? Either way, I hope you finished off those Reese’s cookies and at least of of the 3 cakes! Have a great day bee-a-U-tiful bloggy best ❤

  12. Hey think of it this way, the hills will help you to PR on a flat course easily now :). I’d be so screwed if hills were thrown into my race, and honestly I’d be so mad at the people who put the course together, probably say they aren’t runners, they don’t know what it’s like lol. Mmmmm those cakes look way too good! Started drooling when I saw the carrot cake!! That’s a huge cup for froyo!!! I’m always afraid if I use the larger cup, that I will for sure fill it up and still stand there confused why my froyo cost so much lol. Have a great day 🙂

  13. My favorite dessert would have to be creme brûlée! Also, please have your mom post her cupcake recipe. Those look absolutely amazing!

  14. Yep, I enjoyed all that amazing food over the weekend. My favorite dessert would be dark chocolate and peanut butter anything. No comment on the 5K, you watched me cross the finish line about 3 minutes after you :(.

    My childhood nostalgic food would be eating a tomato like an apple fresh off the vine from my dad’s garden.


  15. Welcome back to running! So happy that you are back in action. Did those other two dogs find their owner – that’s so crazy!

    Please, please send me the recipe for those peanut butter yummies. Must have!

    No races this weekend. We were so nuts so I got my 5 miler in on Friday.

    Favorite dessert…chocolate mousse cake.

    Food item from childhood is Stoffers Mac N Cheese. I used to eat them when I came home from middle school. Gross.

  16. So happy you are back to running!!! I’m looking forward to getting in my first run since the Half this week. I also think that Fro-Yo is the best post-race snack in the world. I love that Senator eats from the table – Abby only wishes her Mom was as cool as you 🙂

  17. Yeah I definitely want dessert now. That carrot cake! Mmm.

    Looks like a good weekend, girl. Glad you are back in the runnin’ game!!!

  18. Is that butter popcorn fro yo!?!? AHH that sounds awful. The other two sound delicious though ahah. Great job on the 5K and yay for running!! Whenever I run in the heat I feel soooo dizzy!

  19. Wowzers, look at those amazing cakes! Would definitely be tempted to make the peanut butter ones, I’ve also never tried an ice cream cake and I can’t wait to try one! & woohoo on the running! I too would like a 5k ‘flat’ race – I’ve never done one so would be tempted to find out how fast I could go 😉 All my 5ks seem to be ‘hilly’, or ‘fun runs’ but at least there are a lot of laughs and things to keep me entertained along the way!

  20. Isn’t that the best feeling when you feel so great from one run that you want to repeat it the next day? Love that…my favorite dessert is probably chocolate fudge cake with a warm chocolate chip cookie a close second. Topped with chocolate frosting – you know, like a big cookie cake. Maybe that is my favorite dessert lol. I love cake and cookies topped with ice cream too. Heck, I can’t pick just one dessert lol.

  21. go girl! You are doing so many races, props to you! Especially in the heat, that’s amazing! Those fro-yo flavors. OMG. I would not have been able to pass that up in a million years. I love the variety of desserts at your family gathering, so many options, the best!

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