Weekend Recap: Paleo Coconut Pancakes

Seriously, pancakes were the best part of my weekend. I keed, I keed. But seriously – Paleo pancakes, mmm yum yum.

My weekend started off by joining LA Fitness with my guy. I want to start getting in to more weight training, so this was a necessity. And we got a great deal, thanks to Meghan’s wonderful boyfriend 🙂

Laf collage

In accordance with my half marathon training schedule, I woke up on Saturday morning afternoon and got in a long(er) run of 6 miles. My pace was super slow (10 min/mile), as per the usual, although I’m blaming some of it on the extreme humidity that set in during the second half of my run. I’m not a fast bear like my co-blogger.


That’s me – after my run – really excited that I didn’t die.


Oh! Before I forget – here is an update on our challenge:

Boyfriend – 32/40

Girlfriend – 35/40

So, I’m up by 3 right now. Looks like my wings will be free on Friday. Winner winner, chicken dinner.


After my run, I was hungrier than…(all the comparisons I thought of are too distasteful for any of you to continue reading our blog, so to ensure that you don’t hate me this early on in our blog-ship and, mostly, for Meghan’s sake, insert your own :-))…so I made the most delicious Paleo pancakes I’ve ever come across. I found them on Paleo Spirit (click that link right now so you can start making these immediately – I don’t care if you’re at work, just do it!) and I haven’t closed out of the webpage on my iPad ever since.

CP collage

Meghan will usually try the Paleo crap I concoct, but doesn’t often come back for seconds. With these babies, it’s a different story. She LOVES them and she was none too pleased with me for making them when she was not home. Sorry, girl.

Here are some other happenings from the weekend.


Ate this: broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, bacon, and egg.


Judged Meghan.


Hung out with these beautiful ladies.


Made this face*.


Cooked with my boy – veggie and chicken stir fry.


Drank by the fire with the my co-blogger. Our boyfriends came, too 🙂


Got my nails done and broke one the next day.

mtn collage

Went to Ellijay, GA with family to see more family…and a bumble bee.

fam collage

Said family. There are 8 of us total, but the youngest two weren’t with us.


Also made this face*. Can you tell we’re sisters?


May or may not have participated in this shenanigan* as well.

*Leslee, these are all for you, girl. Happy belated birthday!

Speaking of those sort of pictures, my boyfriend thinks we’re weird because my whole family has always taken pictures like that. Of course we take serious pictures, but after the obligatory, boring ones are over, the photo shoot turns into that of the last picture above. I thought all families took pictures like this, but he doesn’t seem to think there are as many families who do this as I do. Apparently he and his sisters never did. Hmm.

Ok, I think that’s all I’ll bore you with for now, however, there is a mandatory survey to follow.

Here it is:

Do you and your family take funny photos like the ones I take with my family?

Does everyone participate?

Is it a standard part of the family photo-taking process?

Thanks in advance for helping me discover how much of a freak I am!

– Rebekah

26 thoughts on “Weekend Recap: Paleo Coconut Pancakes

  1. I completely approve of your funny face photos 🙂 You are actually a pro at it, especially in that last photo with your fam. You must teach me your ways. Don’t be offended, but you remind me of Igor, the sidekick to Frankenstein, there haha. It is really attractive and I’m sure Issac is incredibly into it too.

    Your broken nail is so sad! I was considering getting mine done today if I have time to. I am always worried mine will break, it looks like it hurts, like hangnail style. I hope it doesn’t!!

    Also, holy crap for all those veggies in your stir fry! It was a two pan worthy veggie meal, that is big. They all look fantastic too. I want some. Mail me some?

    And finally, your green zig-zag shirt is really cute! You’re adorable 🙂 Have a great day, girl! Keep whooping up on the boy in your challenge!

    • Hahahaha, I love that I remind you of Igor! I’m ok with it. I’ve taught Isaac how to make these faces, so sometimes we’ll just look at each other and make them at the same time. So, yeah, he’s super in to it. Sometimes, I wonder why he dates me, ha. Duuuuudddddeeeee, I know, so so so sad. I never get my nails done. Like ever. But of course this is what happens when I decide to indulge. Poop…Haha, thanks girl. we had lots of peppers in there. I just started eating them, so I’m kinda proud that I cooked that and ate it too. I’ll never like onions though, bleh. Oh, it’s already in the mail, btw. Thanks! It was Meghan’s, so really, she’s the cute one! But we all knew that 🙂 You too, Leslee Love.

  2. HAHAhahahahaha ahhh omg LOVE. 1. YES, i thought everyone did. 2. YES, because if you don’t participate everyone else taunts you til you snap out of your bad mood 3. YES, although growing up you had to be careful because you never knew which pic my mom would choose to send out as the christmas card. the general rule was, the more unflattering the photo, the better the chances it had of being sent out to everyone we knew.

    • I knew I loved you for a reason: you play into all my belligerent antics and you answered those questions in the best way possible. Haha. I love it. One time, we decided to take pictures for a Christmas card as Santa, Mrs. Claus and an elf – me and my two sisters (I was Santa, haha). The best picture is of Santa kissing – no i don’t kiss my sisters, it’s all pretend – the elf and Mrs. Claus standing off to the side in shock. We are truly idiots. I’ll have to find that picture and show it to you. It’s absurd.

  3. Hahaha! This is hilarious. Looks like an awesome weekend my friend! And congrats on that 6 miler in the summer… seriously in ATL humidity, I’m impressed. I ran in ATL in the spring and it was awesome – but summer.. holy moly!

  4. hahahaha love it! so glad you are back in the blogging game. you and your boy are adorable. and i always always always break my nails after getting them done and i throw a hissy fit about it.

    • Awww, thank you! Ugh, yeah I was none too pleased. Then I thought about how ridiculous it was to be upset about it but then I realized that the reason I was upset was bc I spent money on that s*!t. So then I got even more mad, haha. Dumb.

  5. That’s hilarious! We usually end up taking funny pictures, but that’s not intentional. It’s more because my parents aren’t very adept at smiling at the right times or not muttering under their breath!

    • You should make them! They’re super easy 🙂 And what I love about them is that they don’t burn like most Paleo pancakes do.

  6. I don’t think I could get my fam bam to take pictures with me like that unfortunately lol. I know my boyfriend would/will though :D. Mmmmm I NEED some of those paleo pancakes!!! Hahahaha I’m always making/judging my boyfriend for what he’s eating that isn’t paleo, just for fun though, I don’t really care that he doesn’t. Sounds like you had a great weekend 🙂 Hahah I do the same when I have a slow run, all my long runs usually average about 10 minute miles. I wish I could run like Meghan.

    • You’ve gotta make them! They would be perfect for your the challenge you’re doing. Haha, yeah I don’t care that mine doesn’t eat Paleo either, but I like to tease him. Yes, we can be running friends! I wish I could run like that girl too, but she’s amazing and practices all the time so there’s no way I’ll catch up with her and all of her greatness.

  7. stopitrightnow – those pancakes look heavenly! You had a packed weekend, girl! We actually don’t take funny family pictures but I’ll be in the keys with them this weekend so I’ll be sure to throw a few into the mix. HAVE FUN ON THE CRUISE!

    • When Erin comes into town, come over and I’ll make them for you both! I’m glad you’re going to throw some in there! It’s fun. Thank you, ma’am! Have a wonderful time in the Keys with your silly gorgeous faces 🙂

  8. I love your family’s pictures! That is adorable. My brother and I are pretty goofy with our pictures when we get together.

    And those paleo pancakes look AMAZING. Definitely want to try them!

    • Thank you 🙂 We’re never all together so we had to take at least a few. Good! – that’s how it should be! Thank you. They’re so good so please try them out. They don’t disappoint.

  9. You two crack me up. If only we didn’t leave an ocean away, we could totally be the best of friends, Ha!

    Checked out the recipe.. Looks delicious!! They may just be my breakfast for tomorrow.

    • Right!! We should probably be best friends anyway. I made them again this morning for the boyfriends. You should definitely try them 🙂

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