The Countdown Begins

Well, it seems as if there are less than two weeks until the big ole marathon. Who is ready to read that recap?? I’m more than ready to live it so I can talk about it!

It’ll be marathon number two this year and it’ll be in the beautiful city of Seattle! I know everyone knows this already, but I have to keep discussing it for it to continue to feel real. I’m WAY excited.

Let’s catch up a bit, yes?

Friday I bought some new Lulu gear for my marathon, including a cute new headband that cost way, way, WAY too much. All for the name of Lulu, right? Plus, it’s pretty awesome.


I ran a quick 5 miles to test her out and she was wonderful. She has yet to attain a name, but I’m working on it. Suggestions are welcome.

Saturday the amazing boyfriend and I went to the Auburn/UGA football game. I have to say – it was WAY exciting to watch!




Sunday I awoke to set out for my long run but quit after 5 miles. I just wasn’t feeling it AT ALL. Good thing #fakeblondehairDONTCARE. Take that.

And yesterday I attempted to get in a speedy four miler, but the universe disagreed with that plan. I had a sluggish and unpleasant run.


It just didn’t ever feel great, and I know I’ve had wayyyy more amazing runs than bad runs – but combine my failure long run on Sunday and my less than amazing run yesterday, I’m missing my running MOJO! It doesn’t feel great to have some less than fun runs, HOWEVER, I’d rather it happen now than during the 26.2! I’m sucking it up like a real man, throwing some metaphorical dirt on it, and moving on.

So a few months ago, my co blogger and I were SUPER good at working out in the AM’s before work. Lately, we’ve had every excuse not to – mainly, it’s COLD. But this morning we actually tried to do something right and make it to the gym. SUCCESS. Cycling class got me to put in 25 miles this morning and that is something to be proud of.


I know most of you know how amazing it is, but dang, it’s AMAZING. It just kicks the day off on the total right foot, you know?

I think that catches you guys up with my exercise shenanigans.

Do you have a name suggestion for my new Lulu headband?

Did you have a good weekend? Do you watch college football?

Help me find my running mojo. This is not a question, mostly, a gigantic request from the depths of my deep dark soul.


41 thoughts on “The Countdown Begins

  1. i love your headband but i boo and hiss at lulu. why must they make their stuff SO FUCKING EXPENSIVE and then all that nonsense about only some women able to wear their stuff and look good.

    anyway, i’m sort of struggling with my exercise mojo too because since i switched to low-impact activity, getting up at 5am just doesn’t seem worth it anymore but i force myself to do it anyway and i loathe it. hope you find your running mojo. maybe some trails will do the trick? i will always have a boner for trails 🙂

    • YES! See, that’s how I was after my first marathon – a bit injured and needing low impact exercise.. which for me, is painfully boring.
      keep on making love to the trails my friend. 🙂

    • I hope you’re right about that! Yeah, I’m definitely going to try and make some changes here… And YES I saw yours! SO cute!!!

  2. I want to buy more Lulu, but Jesu criste (yes, I want you to say jesus christ but in Spanish for some culture) that ish is expensive. Sometimes I like to pretend I am rich and MINO (money is no object) and rack up a nice bill shopping there, but then the next month I am all “I’m so broke and unhappy and poor and can’t even buy this [insert food item here]” So yeah, I had a MINO moment last weekend and now I’m hoarding my pennies. I LOVE the headband. I would name her (it’s a girl) Freida. But you let me know what you end up deciding. I miss you uber large amounts, girly! Let’s tell the world to slow down so we can be panda bloggy bests. ❤ you

    • See?? And when I asked you if you were exotic (bc of your last name) you said NO… but here you are, talking all Spanish like and shit! Don’t try and tell me you’re not exotic ever again!
      Also, haha MINO is a beautiful acronym and in our dreams, it is true.
      But girl, yes, I recently won some cash money and that is the only reason I could afford to even step foot into Lulu. I LOVE this name! OMG! So adorable!!
      I know I feel like I’m so super behind on everything… including US! But love you tons… DUH.

  3. I MISSED YOU!!! I was in Lulu the other day and debating whether I wanted to buy their ear warmers or not…I eventually decided against it, but then it went down to 45 degrees and then I missed them. (Until the temperature shot up, that is. Gotta love Houston’s bipolar weather.) We’re kindred running spirits–as you know, my long run was cut short too. Sigh. We will get our running mojo back (somehow), and you will BEAST during your marathon! I’m so excited to hear about it!

    • I MISSED YOU TONS when you took your break cuteness! 🙂 Their ear warmer headband is awesome, albeit a bit thicker than I imagined, right? I cannot imagine that temperature that you are experiencing…
      Thanks girl! I hope I am a beast… LOL.. Frankly, any time will suffice for me.

  4. I’m so so so excited for your marathon!!!! You should do a. Ombré 🙂 it would look great in you!! Maybe take a couple days to do something different them come back to running? That’s usually what I do 🙂 Have a great Tuesday pretty lady 🙂

    • thanksssss girl i’m excited too! OMG i am getting my hurrr did on monday night… i was thinking just more blonde but you think ombre? hmmm.. 🙂 Thanks girl you too!!

  5. ohh she’s so pretty! i want a headband like that- i would wear her everywhere! name her… hmm… Abanda! (like, amanda, but abanda because she’s a head-band 🙂 ) (lol i know its not that funny, but im cracking up at my own pun right now. right, moving on.) 2 marathons in one year is hard core. im so impressed. and you look so pretty at the game!! i love your outfit!

    • hahaha she has already been worn several times…. she’s such a whore! so creative! everyone who contributed a suggestion was right on point and idk what to name her!!

  6. yayyyyyy you’re back! I feel like everyone always hits that “blah” moment before a big race. You’ve worked so hard that it makes sense your body is just tired and burnt out and doesn’t want to go that fast. That’s what taper is for- to build you back up so you’re like the energizer bunny on race day! Oh, and lulu. For some reason, I don’t love their stuff. They have the best water bottles and I will only by my Sigg’s from them, and I have one top, a headband, and a pair of socks, but I’m not drawn to all of the crazy expensive clothes like a lot of people. I should probably be happy about that…

    • THANK YOU! I think that’s exactly it… I hope… haha!
      Lulu – I don’t loveeeee all their stuff but I do really love how it feels. Sadly, I can afford it about once every couple of months… 🙂 YOU should be thrilled about that! LOL!

  7. Ahhhh two weeks????? Sooooo exciting girl!!! You’re going to rock it 😀 Anytime I have a sucky few runs before a race, I have an awesome run on race day, so get it all out now 🙂 no suggestions for the headband name but it’s super cute! Our weekend was pretty boring, but that’s the way I like it right now! Have a great Tuesday love 🙂

    • Fingers crossed that’s it. I rarely have back to back bad runs so hopefully i’m just getting this out of the way in time for the race! yes it’s coming up wayyyy quickly… agh!

  8. Aww you guys are such a good looking couple! That new headband is super cute! That hashtag made me snort during class, haha too funny I am so excited for your marathon! I cannot wait to read the recap! Your long runs always are super impressive, so can’t wait to hear about the real thing! Am Workouts can be super hard, I’m trying to et back in to them too. It’s so depressing to go to the gym when it’s pitch black out.

    • thanks girly!! LOL, i can’t wait to write the recap, mostly because it means i’ll be done with the marathon! ahh! 🙂
      AND yes it is. it’s cold, gloomy and COLD. haa!

    • Wellllll davida, that makes one of us.
      I keeeed, I can’t decide which name to choose!!!
      I can imagine it’s a disaster with how cold everything is….
      meeeameeee soon enough, right?

  9. I love that picture of you in the head band! You look adorable but the photo bomb from the Senator is too cute!

    I bet that game was a blast! Auburn beat the Aggies and it makes me want to cry. They’re obviously a good team though.

    Sorry to hear you had a crappy run but I’m sure all of the adrenaline from the marathon will make it the best one yet. And yes, I can’t wait to read the recap!

    • Aww you guys and Johnny football! It was a good game though… 🙂 Auburn used to be shit on a stick so it’s nice to see them turn around a bit! YAY thanks girl!

  10. Love the headband! I’m a big college football fan but then again I don’t really have a choice living in a giant college football town and all 😉 hope you get your mojo back soon!

  11. That was the CRAZIEST game I have seen in a long time! We (Alabama) played like crap, so I think the Iron Bowl is going to be intense! I can’t wait! 🙂 I am so excited for you and how close the marathon is- eek! Don’t even worry about your mojo- I cheered in high school and we would always get nervous if we did really well right before competition because that usually jinxed us, so if we busted ours asses right before we went out there I would be kind of relieved.

    • Well obviously Bama will be Auburn, but it’ll definitely be a fun game to watch! Wish I could be there for that game… haha tickets are probably outrageous!!

  12. Omg I totally name my clothes from LuLu, too!!! Something about how wonderful and EXPENSIVE their products are makes me want to treat whatever I buy like a puppy. HA!

  13. I’m going to blow so much mojo up your ass WHEN WE MEET AND STUFF OUR FACES WITH VEGAN MAC AND CHEESE! HAHAHA. Seriously though, I know you’ll be JUST fine..race atmosphere and vibes make ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

    P.S. I just love your blue hot pants.

  14. I have that headband! I did not name mine, dang it! Mine is the blue color tho. Neon blue lol. Too bad it’s not cold enough here to wear it! And yes, I can’t wait to read your marathon recap!!

  15. Super cute headband! I only own three pieces of LuLu because it is so expensive but I have to say that they are the three best pieces of workout clothes that I have. Love Lulu! I know you are so excited and ready to run. The last couple of weeks leading up to a marathons are always the toughest.

  16. Some of my best races came after less than stellar ‘feelings’ toward the end of the training cycle. Just know that you’ve put the time in, and you’re ready!! You are in great shape and got in that extra long run – come race day it’s going to be great. Honestly your body is probably just trying to tell you it’s tired! Don’t let those runs mess with you – you are ready!! And I love the headband – very very cute!! Can’t WAIT for that race recap – you’re going to have such an awesome experience whether it’s a fast, slow, hard, or easy run.

  17. You can do it! When I ran my first marathon, the last few weeks of my training were very meh. I’m pretty sure I only did a long run (as in, only ran once during the week) for a few weeks because I was feeling achy. The race day adrenaline will make up the difference 🙂
    Also, you look adorable in the new headband 🙂

  18. I want that headband!! I’m going to buy it, thanks a lot. You are soo going to rock your marathon, I think I said that so many times but I really mean it. 🙂 Can’t wait to see your medal on Instagram in two weeks!

  19. That is a cute headband! I do have a Lululemon store by me but have never gone in. I am afraid that if I go in I wont make it out without swiping the ole credit card and I probably wont be able to come home after the hubby sees the charges 😦 Maybe one day the hubby will be nice and get me a gift card!
    I do watch college football but, not by choice!! My hubby watches it nonstop from Thursday-Saturday. Go Buckeyes!!

  20. i possess no lulu and have been dying to buy some but after all their recent shenanigans i’m not too sure. i guess i’ll just pay rent instead. dude your marathon is so soon and i’m so excited for you and for me to read and enjoy your recap. love the pics from the football game! i say this every comment and it’s getting kinda weird probzzz but brown hair don’t care and i let my stalker flag fly: yo and your man are ridic cute.

  21. Ok, 2 things. I a firm believer that if you FEEL good on race day, you’ll rock that shit. So whatever you have to do… new shoes, new outfit, headband (just test it out first, duh!). Or maybe I’m just justifying all my splurges? Whatever, Lulu will have magical powers. Also, I think I just unofficially and unoriginally named your headband. So there you go. Second thing, #fakeblondhairdontcare may be the best hashtag of 2013. Is there a contest for this stuff? And third, because I can’t count and I’m about to get deep, I wouldn’t worry about your MoJo. I think we all go through that when training. You kinda get burnt out and your body rebels a little bit. Training runs are NOT where you want to peak. Don’t waste your peak during practice. Trust your training, taper and rest up and race day will be amazing. You are going to do great and I wish I could be there to scream my lungs off for you!! xo

  22. Loving your headband! You look adorable, as usual! Whenever I feel like I’m in an exercise slump, a new purchase always helps a bit…it’s a bad habit of mine but I’m sticking to it…so maybe I need that headband now! So glad you and the boy got to do some pre-holiday celebrating, that place looks spectacular!

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