Hot Chocolate and #snowpocalypse

I don’t even think I spelled the fourth word of this title correctly. What can ya do?? So I’ve neglected the blog and that’s primarily because ever since my job changed a few months ago, I’ve had a lot less time to focus on it. While it’s sad, I’m also certain it’ll all be okay. I miss it, but I want to make sure I am doing the best job I can possibly do while at work so this lovely little corner has had a break. I’m sure you guys have forgotten all about us frEAKs over here. I would have. In any case, here I am, with a recap of the Hot Chocolate race series. This was my second time doing the 15K race.


I love it for several reasons, but I think I have a more euphoric feeling toward it this year because I actually accomplished a big goal. You guys know, if you race, that you have certain goal times in mind during those races. I always do, but I have never once achieved a goal time. EVER. In fact, I’m usually way off. But I love running so much that I just do not care at the end of the day. There’s no better feeling than finishing a race.

Or so I thought.


There is a better feeling… It’s when you not only hit your goal time but BEAT it by over a minute.


The Hot Chocolate race series is very well organized and I have NO complaints about the logistics of it. My only complaint would be the price – but I think that you get more than your money’s worth for the race so it’s all good. The hoodie is THE BEST. In fact, my fave running girl Ash and I wore ours the night we picked up our packets for a 10K and raved about them the whole time. #premature #thatisherheadbandnotmine #idonthavestylelikethat #sherunslikeabeast


The hoodie has a zipper, a pocket with a zipper on the back (the best) and THUMBOLES!! Because what is a running jacket without thumbholes these days? It’s not. Mollie and my boyfriend both loved their hoodies and the race as well, so everyone that matters approved!




The runners of the morning had the best cheer support – Mollie’s boyfriend cheered, the other crEATure cheered, and Ash’s girlfriend cheered! It was a grand old event. And everyone had to be a trooper – it was FREEZING.


Such cuties all over the place!

Anyway, the course is incredibly hilly and challenging. Last year, I think I ran it in like 1:35 – that’s a 9:59 pace.

THIS YEAR WE RAN IT WITH A PACE OF 8:54!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT WHAT WHAT!!!!!! We beat our goal by over a minute (yes I said that already but it is well worth repeating!). But for real you guys, I’ve never run more than 6 miles with a pace like that. I didn’t think I could physically do it.


And that was the best feeling to feel all day on Sunday. 🙂 I’d be lying if I said I was over it almost a week later. I’m not. And honestly, I don’t think I would have been able to do it without having a running partner. Sometimes that’s all I need to push myself. So here’s to my running bestie ASH!!! JENNNNNNAYYYYYY I LOVEEEE YOU!!!!!!

Cut to a few days later and Atlanta, the glorious city I live in, is experiencing a real life Walking Dead. Errr, snowpocalypse??? Yeah, I drove my 25 minute commute into work on Tuesday only to be dismissed at 1 pm. Cool, right? I was all, “Oh, time to get my party on!!!!”


The entire state was dismissed around that time. So after 4.5 hours in traffic, I parked, packed up the essentials from my car and started the 5 mile walk home. I’m hardcore, you think??

No, I lack patience for more than 4 hours in a situation like this. Anyway, yes, I left my car and walked. My car and I are fine. The snow sucks and Atlanta department of transportation sucks even more. That’s all I’ve got on the matter.

The Senator loves the snow. And it’s also somewhat romantic to spend several days with my boyfriend just cuddled up, cooking, and playing. 🙂


^^Gotta love Google+ for automatically adding these effects. 🙂




Though, not everyone was as fortunate as I was to be able to leave their cars and get home somehow. Some people have stayed in shelters, their cars, or just wherever they could find. Children were stuck in schools (and so were teachers!). It’s been a crazy event and I don’t think anyone knows quite how to handle it. But for now, I’m glad to have had the time off and the luck to have been home with my boyfriend and pup.

What’s your favorite feeling when it comes to working out?

What’s your favorite race ever?

How many of you guys get snow and think ATL is a bunch of pansies? Don’t, ha, as sad as it is, our state is not prepared like the North is! KATHY YOU CAN SUCK IT WITH YOUR JUDGMENT!


PS In response to the beautiful LESLEE, I will DEFINITELY be cheering for those SEAHAWKS, duh! But I love Peyton too so I’ll be thrilled with either outcome. 🙂 WOO!